[Banshee-List] Help Write the 1.0 Alpha 1 Release Notes!

Hi Banshee Lovers!

If all goes to plan, tomorrow we will make the Banshee 1.0 Alpha 1
release from trunk! We've basically locked down all the code, just one
more fix is pending.

I've spent a good deal of time today on fixing up all the
packaging/installation related things and applying general polish to the

The last thing to do is write the release notes, which I expect to be
quite verbose and entertainingly informative. It's 3am in Boston right
now, and I'm quite tired. I'm just about to head home from the office to
get a few hours of sleep before I start working on the release again.

It would be wonderful if people would jump in and start randomly writing
the release notes for me:


Add anything you think deserves to be in the Alpha 1 release notes. We
will do a full cleanup/edit/review of the notes tomorrow. I cannot
guarantee you that anything you add to the page will remain unedited or
even at all, but any contributions would be greatly valued and quite

If you want to contribute to the notes but find yourself without a Wiki
account, just reply to this message with your contribution or mail me

Everything mailed to the list, to me, or added to the Wiki page directly
will be reviewed and attribution will be noted at the end of the notes.

Tomorrow should be a pretty exciting day!

Thanks for your help!


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