Re: [Banshee-List] Multi-Artist albums

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Andrew Conkling schrieb:
| On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 6:21 AM, Martin Raißle <
| martin raissle googlemail com> wrote:
|> First, in the artist section, there is still every artist listet. So if
|> I have a compilation of 20 songs from 20 different artists, I get 20
|> entries in this section each containing only one track. I don't know if
|> this behaviour is intended, but I think it's better if you use either
|> the album artist or something like "various artists" where all
|> compilations move (see below).
| I, for one, would hate this. I want my Artists to reflect what tracks I
| have, and at least for the moment, Banshee is more or less track-based. It
| sounds like Amarok works differently than this, but as far as I know (and
| with the handful of media players and devices I've used) it's the

Sure it depends on personal taste, but that's why I like amarok. If you
create a fresh library, everything is sorted the way banshee does it.
But you have the chance to mark songs as part of a compilation or a
single song ("show under various artists") so that on top of the artist
list, there is an entry "Various Artists" under which you can find all
songs you flagged as various, sorted by album-tag.

I don't want banshee to force every compilation to show up only under
VA, but I'd like to have the possibility to have a clean browser. If I'm
looking for a certain song, I can use the search function, if I'm just
browsing around, I don't like to see dozens of artists which I cannot
associate with a certain song but only with some kind of compilation.
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