[Banshee-List] Compile Error in ThickClient.dll - Ubuntu 7.10

I've been trying for a few days to compile banshee from svn to see how
the new stuff is coming and have been running into this error on make

Compiling Banshee.ThickClient.dll...
./Banshee.Gui/BansheeActionGroup.cs(48,21): warning CS0108:
`Banshee.Gui.BansheeActionGroup.Add(params Gtk.ActionEntry[])' hides
inherited member `Gtk.ActionGroup.Add(Gtk.ActionEntry[])'. Use the new
keyword if hiding was intended
(Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
warning CS0168: The variable `iter' is declared but never used
./Banshee.Gui.Widgets/TrackInfoDisplay.cs(244,27): warning CS0168: The
variable `ps' is declared but never used
./Banshee.Gui.Widgets/TrackInfoDisplay.cs(245,27): warning CS0168: The
variable `pcr' is declared but never used
./Banshee.Gui/ViewActions.cs(78,29): warning CS0219: The variable
`eqwin' is assigned but its value is never used
./Banshee.Library.Gui/ImportDialog.cs(96,22): warning CS0219: The
variable `migration_iter' is assigned but its value is never used
./Banshee.Sources.Gui/SourceRowRenderer.cs(136,59): error CS0019:
Operator `==' cannot be applied to operands of type
`Banshee.Sources.ITrackModelSource' and `Banshee.Sources.Source'
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 6 warnings

I'm assuming that since no one else has mentioned it that it is
something on my end, but I don't know what.

I configured using this command ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
--disable-docs --with-trunk-readme --disable-daap --disable-ipod
--disable-njb and am running on Ubuntu 7.10.

Anyone know what I can do to resolve this?

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