Re: [Banshee-List] Thinking about Mono.Media

Good point about the crossfade behavior. I'm still nervous about the
*Player class having any kind of next/prev state awareness and/or
queue. I would rather have something like
AudioPlayer.CrossFadeImmediatelyTo() and
AudioPlayer.CrossFadeEventuallyTo() where the latter method crossfades
to the second file at Song.Time - crossFadeMilliseconds. And
crossfading is a corner case that we may not even be able to (or want
to) support in the first version. Perhaps we should flesh out the more
ordinal features before we worry about that. I think a good next step
would be to come up with a list of top 5 use cases for the audio
component. Then we can think about the best API for doing those tasks.
Off the top of my head:
1) Playing a single, short audio file. An app wants to have a
startup/error/notify noise. There needs to be a *very* easy way to
simply play an audio file.
2) Playing multiple audio files in succession. This is what Banshee
will do. Again, needs to be simple.
3) Transcode audio files. Banshee will need this for CD burning, MP3
player support, &c.. This should also be extremely easy to do.
4) Play multiple audio files simultaneously. A Garage-Band-esk app
could use our library to mix multiple audio streams together. This is
a complex usage and doesn't have to be ultra-easy, but should be
possible and straightforward.
5) Recording audio. Should we try to support this?

Also, do we think it's super-important to support playing audio data
that is embedded in a CLI assembly as a resource?

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