Re: [Banshee-List] banshee r3200 - in trunk/banshee: . src/Core/Hyena.Gui/Hyena.Data.Gui/ListView

Actually, I've figured out what the problem was and how to fix it
(hint: "+ 1" isn't right). Unfortunately I can't commit b/c I've got a
bunch on experimental changes that I'm working on (see my massages
about ListView performance). The correct code is:

get { return (int) Math.Ceiling ((list_alloc.Height + RowHeight / 2) /
(double) RowHeight)}

This is because Math.Ceiling(list_alloc.Height / (double)RowHeight)
will just return the maximum number of rows that could fit in the list
if the first row is is perfectly aligned with the top of the list.
However if you scroll down so that the first visible row in the list
is less than half visible, than more rows can be seen in the list than
Math.Ceiling(list_alloc.Height / (double)RowHeight). Adding
RowHeight/2 takes care of that.

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