[Banshee-List] MusicBrainzID in CoreTracks


i am trying to produce a little script in PHP in order to migrate all
ratings done in Rhythmbox to Banshee 1.4.1 (or any other version if
there are no changes in the dblayout). This is a private project (feel
free to get the source when its ready, though!) and not meant to replace
anything in banshee.

I was using the absolute path of each file as identifier, but i
discovered that rhythmbox has a populated xml-key for a musicbrainzid in
its database-file. so does banshee, but unfortunately the column
MusicBrainzID in CoreTracks is not populated (or just giving

to come to the point of this post: is there a way to enable banshee to
write the MBId to the database? if so: please point me in the right

any help or mere hint is greatly appreciated

greetings from cologne, germany and a (soon to be) happy new year!

Johannes Steidl

Johannes Steidl <johannes jsteidl net>

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