Re: [Banshee-List] How to find my music?

Alex Hixon wrote:
Simply open the music importer and select it to import from a directory, and point it at your Music directory. Banshee should then just import all your tracks.

On 24/08/2008, at 11:48 AM, Larry Alkoff <labradley mindspring com> wrote:

I recently downloaded the most recent version of Banshee for use on my Kubuntu Hardy Heron system.

My music library is under ~/Music in the normal Artist/Album/Tracks format.

How can I find it under Banshee so I can get started?


Thanks for that information Alex.

Is there any way to restrict the import to only my ~/Music directory?

When I did the import there was no way to import from a specific directory, only from 'Local Folder', 'Local Files', 'Home Directory' or 'Alternate Media Player'.

I selected 'Home Directory' but a lot of extra stuff was picked up from file directories that I don't want to have in my playlist. Even if I delete the unwanted material in Banshee, the next time I import music they will reappear.

I also tried changing Edit > Preferences to set the music directory to my preference of /home/user/Music but it doesn't seem to be working.
That is, when I select import it still only gives me the 4 choices below.

There doesn't seem to be any way to drill down to the specific directory wanted.

Another problem is that I deleted the entire playlist by selecting Edit > Select All and selecting Remove. But instead of just removing the songs, Banshee quits and, when it starts up again, the same 1346 songs appear.

Finally, when I start Banshee an error message appears
"Dbus is not available" and "Unable to open the session message bus".
Can you tell me what to put in a startup script (probably /etc/rc.local) to invoke dbus-launch? I don't understand the man page at all.
What does "fix your environment" mean?

Sorry for these newbie questions.
I'm pretty experienced with Linux but am having some trouble with the specifics of Banshee. I'm anxious to use it however.


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