Re: [Banshee-List] Installing Banshee 1.2

manic-marvin wrote:
I'm new to Linux (Fedora 7) and, having  downloaded  Banshee 1.2 extracted
the files and used the Terminal program to get into the extracted files
directory, typed in ./configure

I then got the following error message:

checking for GST... configure: error: Package requirements (gstreamer-0.10
= 0.10.3
		gstreamer-base-0.10 >= 0.10.3
		gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 >= 0.10.3
		gstreamer-controller-0.10 >= 0.10.3
		gstreamer-dataprotocol-0.10 >= 0.10.3) were not met:

This means you need to install development packages for those required libraries You'll find when you build software from source, you often have to install development packages for libraries that you already have installed. Try searching in yum for packages with names like gstreamer-base-devel, gstreamer-plugins-base-devel, etc. I don't use Fedora so I don't know what the exact package names will be.

It's possible that Banshee 1.2 is already packaged for Fedora. Maybe somebody else on the list can help you with that.


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