Re: [Banshee-List] banshee proxy support

On 10/29/07, David Nielsen <david lovesunix net> wrote:
> man, 29 10 2007 kl. 10:35 +0100, skrev Christian Martellini:
> > hi guys,
> > I have a question for you..
> > Is there any built in proxy support in banshee? Does banshee provide any
> > class that centralizes proxy configuration/management, or does each plugin
> > (working with internet) need to check for a proxy by itself?
> I believe it uses the GNOME proxy settings if available.

Actually it uses the Mono framework's proxy settings. Mono reads the
settings from  machine.config or the application config file, but the
default setting ("autodetect") results in reading the HTTP_PROXY
environment variable. GNOME (since 2.18 IIRC) sets this variable on
the session, so unless you change other settings, Banshee effectively
ends up using the GNOME settings :)

Michael Hutchinson

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