Re: [Banshee-List] Call for testers... if you have an iPod

Aaron Bockover <abockover    > writes:
> So, check out a copy of PodSleuth:
> $ svn co svn:// podsleuth
> Build it:
> $ ./ --prefix=/usr
I got this: 
checking for MONO_MODULE... configure: error: Package requirements (mono >=
1.1.10) were not met:

No package 'mono' found

from this line:


even though I had gmcs, mcs and mono installed. I had to install libmono-dev for
it to work. Confusing!

Similar problem with it saying it needed hal when it really needed libhal-dev. 

The libsgutils missing message was correct.

I got a successful dump in the end which I'll mail to you shortly.


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