[Banshee-List] IRC bot for Bugzilla changes

This sounds like it might be an interesting addition to the irc
channel. If it is a desired item, I'll see about asking to have us
added to the list. Maybe a separate channel called #banshee-bugs would
be better so we don't clutter other things up.

Basically, it is an IRC bot that announces changes to bugzilla to an
IRC channel. Opinions?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Olav Vitters <olav bkor dhs org>
Date: Mar 1, 2007 3:02 PM
Subject: CIA-like bot for Bugzilla changes
To: gnome-bugsquad gnome org

[ Copy/paste from the blog post for those not watching planet.gnome.org ]

Max Kanat-Alexander wrote a plugin to Supybot. This enables Supybot to
announce changes made to any 2.20+ Bugzilla install; just like
CIA/#commits. It of course also responds to 'bug 100000'.

A Supybot called bugbot is announcing all bugzilla.gnome.org changes in
#bzbot on irc.gnome.org. However, if you want to have it announce just
the changes for your product in some channel, please contact either me
(GimpNet, #bugs) or mkanat (usually on irc.mozilla.org in #supybot --
currently on gimpnet as well). For GimpNet, bugbot replaces the bots
bzbot and bugsbot.

Bugzilla installations wanting such an announcement bot, just contact
mkanat. If you want the plugin for your own Supybot, just run:

bzr co http://bzr.everythingsolved.com/supybot/Bugzilla

to check it out using bzr.
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