[Banshee-List] Windows Port Update

Hey everyone, there have been some exciting developments in the port of Banshee to Windows that I thought I'd let you all know about. First of all, IT RUNS! Banshee now initializes and opens on the .NET virtual machine.Check out this screenshot [1]. Second of all, as of last night, IT PLAYS! Banshee can now use DirectShow to playback music just as you expect. This is a temporary solution: we'll ultimately be using GStreamer instead of DirectShow. Well, that's the really exciting news. Just thought I'd you all know. If you're keen to follow progress, there's a project blog [2] and if you want to follow the minute-by-minute technical details, I record most of my work in a scratchpad documents [3].

[1] http://bp3.blogger.com/_vUUhoww_aGI/RnnZTn6WDSI/AAAAAAAAAOc/G6lyyAmfS5Q/s1600-h/itsalive.jpg
[2] http://themonkeysgrinder.blogspot.com/
[3] http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ah4grsjk7k4c_68fpnbd7


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