[Banshee-List] Vlc MediaEngine 0.0.1

While working on a different plugin for Banshee I became frustrated with the GStreamer backend (the problem is in libmms in particular but I was tired of fussing with it), and my inability to debug it, I was also fed up with trying to make the Xine backend bend to my will; So, in true OSS fashion I decided to reinvent the wheel (somewhat). Therefore I present to you banshee-engine-vlc ( http://tophat.atxconsulting.com/~tjfontaine/banshee-engine-vlc-0.0.1.tar.bz2) This MediaEngine plugin uses the newer libvlc api available since 0.8.5 (i.e. not the same api jlj used for the sharpmusique stuff), the engine was put together in about 3 days, so caveat emptor. I've tested with 0.11.3 on Feisty, and SVN trunk things seem to run smoothly, it *should* be able to be a cdda backend but I don't listen to cds so I haven't really tried to work with that. Below you'll find the README.

I'd appreciate any feedback/flames. Thanks



Vlc Banshee MediaEngine Plugin


This plugin requires the libvlc api which was made available starting with
version 0.8.5, I tested with 0.8.6. The filenaming scheme is such that I could
build my test.cs file without including the Banshee stuff, so the Vlc*.cs files
are largely standalone and could be used elsewhere in applications that want to
make use of Vlc in managed code.

Different flavors distribute libvlc in different forms, and my autofoo is not
such that I felt like detecting such things at build time, so if you experience
a segfault on startup it's likely you need to futz with the dllmap'ing and make
sure you actually have libvlc installed.

At the time of this writing (2007-01-10) the engine worked without issue with
other backends in version 0.11.3, however SVN Trunk of banshee and B.ME.Vlc had
a slight runtime conflict with the builtin GStreamer backend and can be solved
with the following diff:

Index: src/Engines/Banshee.MediaEngine.GStreamer/GstPlayerEngine.cs
--- src/Engines/Banshee.MediaEngine.GStreamer/GstPlayerEngine.cs        (revision 1966)
+++ src/Engines/Banshee.MediaEngine.GStreamer/GstPlayerEngine.cs        (working copy)
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@
                 GstResourceError domain_code = (GstResourceError)code;
                 switch(domain_code) {
                     case GstResourceError.NotFound:
-                        CurrentTrack.PlaybackError = TrackPlaybackError.ResourceNotFound;
+                        if(CurrentTrack != null)
+                            CurrentTrack.PlaybackError = TrackPlaybackError.ResourceNotFound;
@@ -234,7 +235,8 @@
                 GstStreamError domain_code = (GstStreamError)code;
                 switch(domain_code) {
                     case GstStreamError.CodecNotFound:
-                        CurrentTrack.PlaybackError = TrackPlaybackError.CodecNotFound;
+                        if(CurrentTrack != null)
+                            CurrentTrack.PlaybackError = TrackPlaybackError.CodecNotFound;
@@ -245,7 +247,8 @@
                 GstCoreError domain_code = (GstCoreError)code;
                 switch(domain_code) {
                     case GstCoreError.MissingPlugin:
-                        CurrentTrack.PlaybackError = TrackPlaybackError.CodecNotFound;
+                        if(CurrentTrack != null)
+                            CurrentTrack.PlaybackError = TrackPlaybackError.CodecNotFound;

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