Re: [Banshee-List] 2 feature suggestions: syncing to playlist / autosync

On 2/12/07, Christopher Friedt <cfriedt visible-assets com> wrote:
Josiah Ritchie wrote:
> #2: Are you saying that you want a manual sync that would work like
> the full library sync, but only with a playlist instead of the full
> library?

really this is #1, and then #2 would be to give the above system memory.

device_is_connected() {
select {
   case ( hash = <device #1 hash-id> ):
     sync to playlist associated with device #1 (if it exists)

   case (has = <device #2 hash-id>):
     sync to playlist associated with device #2 (if it exists)

I wonder if playlists associated with devices should be called queues
instead to avoid confusion with other playlists. Then there would be
some options on how to create the device queue, whether through a
SmartPlaylist style or a normal playlist style. I wonder how this
would complicate working with the device.

Either way, some new language should probably be put together to
better describe how the DAPs interact with banshee. That's been talked
about in the IRC channel before.


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