Re: [Banshee-List] SmartPlaylist plugin fails to initialise

On 9/29/06, Simon Butler <gazurtoids ntlworld com> wrote:
I tried to enable the SmartPlaylist plugin using Banshee v0.10 on Ubuntu
Breezy but got the error message:

"This plugin could not be initialised"

I then tried upgrading to v0.11 to see if this was a bug fixed in the
new version but the same error occurs. I also now note that the error
message in the console reads:

Warning: [25/09/2006 18:14:41] (Could not initialize plugin
`SmartPlaylists') - no such column: Condition

It refers to the database changes the SmartPlaylist plugin requires to
run.  You must have run the plugin back before it was officially
supported.  Unfortunately there were some database changes made
without an upgrade path since it was in early development then.  You
can either delete your database (wipe out your library, you'll have to
re-import) with

rm ~/.gnome2/banshee/banshee.db

or you can drop the Smart Playlist tables and they will be recreated correctly:

sqlite3 ~/.gnome2/banshee/banshee.db
sqlite>drop table SmartPlaylists;
sqlite>drop table SmartPlaylistEntries;


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