Re: [Banshee-List] Playlist of unheard podcasts

> Sound like you could just use rsync or unison on your podcast
> directory, or the whole music directory to replicate your downloads to
> various clients on the network. Is that what you meant?

No, no, not so complicated ;)

If you have a subscription of LUGRadio in rhythmbox¹ for example, and
then change to banshee you have to start from scratch. So you import
the podcast rss in banshee. Even if you copy your old episodes to the 
right folder, banshee won't pick them up. Perhaps just add a quick 
scan for changed files on startup of the extension and add new ones?
This would also help in the case where a file is broken somehow, you 
delete it and banshee still thinks the file is there and gives a file not 
found error if you try to play it.


[1] or take the case I described in the last mail, I once lost my podcast
subscriptions in banshee and had to setup them again, it should have
picked up the old episodes

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