Re: [Banshee-List] DAAP Client -- Connecting iTunes Shares

Matt Philmon wrote:
> But is avahi-daemon running? Banshee doesn't start the daemon, it just
> connects to it if it's running. Under Ubuntu, you'll find that you need
> to install the banshee-daap separately. I've not looked but I assume
> this is just an additional plugin and script to start avahi-daemon if
> not running. Running from CVS on Ubuntu instead of using the installed
> packages, even though the build is successful, I always have to start
> the daemon manually in order for the CVS build to work against avahi.

avahi-daemon is running.  Everything appears to be just fine.

dwilson-linux:~ # ps fax | grep avahi
22756 ?        Ss     0:07 avahi-daemon: running
30248 pts/6    D+     0:00              \_ grep avahi
30189 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/avahi-dnsconfd -D


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