Re: [Banshee-List] Massive Memory usage when loading ipod contents

On 9/4/06, Kevin Kubasik <kevin kubasik net> wrote:
Hey, I can file this in bugzilla if we decide its a bug, but I wanted to
get a little discussion on this before I do that. When I plug my ipod
video in, and open banshee,  banshee tells me its 'Importing' my music.
I'm fairly confident that banshee is just reading the ipods contents,
since i haven't asked it to copy all 4000 songs to my hd. The issue is
that after maybe 5 minutes of importing, banshee is using almost 1.7 GB
of ram. Now i know some processes are always gonna be memory intensive,
but I think once were getting into the gigabytes, its an issue ;). I was
wondering if the community/devs know about this (I'm running CVS). If
there is a fix in process, awesome. But if no attempt is being made (or
planned) Can someone at least point me in the right direction?

Part of what's happening is that Banshee is recognizing your iPod as a
mass storage audio player instead of treating it like an iPod.  The
somewhat confusing "Importing" message is what you expected - just
Banshee reading the contents, not copying it.

It sounds like this is a bug with the mass storage support, though - I
think you should file a bug report.  If anybody else can confirm that
using the mass storage support (especially for an actual mass storage
device, not an iPod) this memory leak occurs, that would be great.



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