Re: [Banshee-List] Logging in Banshee: use log4net?

Aaron Bockover wrote:
> I'm interested in the performance aspect of log4net. This sounds like a
> heavy component to be adding. What kind of "startup" or initialization
> does the component need? How expensive are the actual logging calls,
> etc.
> --Aaron

All I could find is MS Enterprise Library Logging comparison between and
log4net (but more than 1 year old):

There is benchmark example part of log4net, but it only compares
different ways of logging.

What kind of tests could I do? I'm thinking of:
* how much time does an application take to start with and without
loading log4net?
* how much time does it takes to output x times to the console? to a
file? to an sqlite 3 database?

Let me know if these tests make sense to you, and what else I should try.


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