Re: [Banshee-List] howto avoid creating dirs on flash mp3 player

Thanks guys, but I'm still struggling with this. I am able to set the root of the music directory with:

On 11/3/06, Julien Sobrier < julien sobrier net> wrote:
> If your music player is part of 10-usb-music-players.fdi, there should
> be a field to indicate where the music files should go:
> <append key="portable_audio_player.audio_folders"
> type="strlist">MUSIC/</append>

but adding the following gives pretty weird results:

On 03/11/06, Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com> wrote:
That is correct, but you will also need to set the folder depth
key/value pair [..]  You'll want something like this:

<append key="portable_audio_player.folder_depth" type="int">0</append>

For example, the song "A.M. 180" by artist "Grandaddy" from the album "Under the Western Freeway" is created in the folder:

MUSIC/G/Gr/Gra/Gran/Grand/Granda/Grandad/Grandaddy/Under\ the\ Western\ Freeway/

Even worse, if there is whitespace in the artist's name, the file isn't even created eg for the artist "DJ Shadow" it just creates  the folders:


Is there something else I should be adding/changing in 10-usb-music-players.fdi?

Apologies if I should really be taking this up with the HAL people!


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