Re: [Banshee-List] Playlists on DAP devices


Lukas Lipka has been working on such things for a while now...since the archives appear to be back up:

He got the first part - having Banshee recognize child sources of other sources (aka playlists belonging to a source) - but I don't know what the status is of the rest of the project.

If you snoop around on his site you can see a screenie where he had it partially working, but I'd be willing to bet that the patches on there won't apply to Banshee CVS.

I'm looking at playlist support for MTP DAP's (just committed the other day) as the underlying library I use just an hour ago recieved support for playlists, so I'll be also working on the playlist front :)

If Lukas is still working on things, I'm sure he's got a patch in progress, but who knows...

Patience :)


Patrick "Trick" van Staveren
Western Michigan University
Cell: 269.267.6008

----- Message from lists thehunter ws ---------
    Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 07:42:56 -0500
    From: Jeremy Teale <lists thehunter ws>
Reply-To: banshee-list gnome org
 Subject: [Banshee-List] Playlists on DAP devices
      To: banshee-list gnome org

I was tinkering with the IPod code and thinking about adding playlist
support as ipod-sharp includes such abilities as a summer venture. Are
there any thoughts on playlist support for DAP? Should it be a generic
DAP class that gets inherited and overridden, or device specific? Can
anyone imagine how it should be integrated with the existing library
playlist code? Has any work been done yet?
Sorry if this has been touched on, the archives are down.
Jeremy Teale            |   orion2012 jabber org |   ICQ UIN #231589594
Join EFF, because multinational conglomerates
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