Re: [Banshee-List] Bug in CVS?

heh.  I was trying to build the CVS and ran into some dependancy issues along the way.  Did a quick search on for some help.  Tried removing a lib of some sort because it supposedly would roll back the lib and allow me to finish the install.  Instead it decided that just about every app (gnome itself included) depended on it, so they were all removed. 

I rebooted and was able to apt-get back into a graphical UI from tty1.  It cost me some time, but the system didn't break or anything.  More annoying than anything else.  If there is a place to get solid instructions on how to build the CVS, that would be nice.  Hope I'm not hijacking the topic with this message.


On 7/6/06, Aaron Bockover <abockover novell com> wrote:
On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 21:03 -0400, Eric Kaschyk wrote:
> The CVS ate my install.

And what might I ask this means?


> On 7/5/06, Aaron Bockover < abockover novell com> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 01:05 -0700, Julien Sobrier wrote:
>         > Here is how to reproduce the problem:
>         > * cvs up
>         > * compile and install
>         > * launch banshee, try to display a "static" playlist -> no
>         tracks displayed
>         > * quit banshee
>         No problem here; I can see my static playlists and their
>         tracks.
>         > * remove ~/.gnome/banshee/banshee.db
>         > * launch banshee
>         > * import music
>         > * create a new playlist
>         > * click on the playlist -> the tracks are displayed
>         All playlists/tracks show like normal here too.
>         > * quit banshee
>         > * launch banshee, try to display a "static playlist" -> no
>         tracks displayed
>         Everything works like it should here as well.
>         > Is anyone else seeing this issue?
>         No problems here :) I suggest filing a bug however.
>         --Aaron
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