Re: [Banshee-List] Bug in CVS?

On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 01:05 -0700, Julien Sobrier wrote:

> Here is how to reproduce the problem:
> * cvs up
> * compile and install
> * launch banshee, try to display a "static" playlist -> no tracks displayed
> * quit banshee

No problem here; I can see my static playlists and their tracks.

> * remove ~/.gnome/banshee/banshee.db
> * launch banshee
> * import music
> * create a new playlist
> * click on the playlist -> the tracks are displayed

All playlists/tracks show like normal here too.

> * quit banshee
> * launch banshee, try to display a "static playlist" -> no tracks displayed

Everything works like it should here as well.

> Is anyone else seeing this issue?

No problems here :) I suggest filing a bug however.


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