HTML rendering in Balsa ?

Hi All,

I'm currently using Balsa v2.5.6, and for a while now, I've noticed that  none of the HTML emails rendered in 
HTML, all I get is a blank page.

( I can left click on the blank page and if I select open in Firefox, I get the email rendered correctly, any 
other options on the menu give html code ).

I've seen discussion of HTML rendering of emails and perhaps this is a known issue? So is the advice to 
simply upgrade?

As I'm running a flavor of Debian, I expect the balsa repository has not been updated in a while. Anyway, I'm 
trying to install 2.5.11  but during .configure I get the following message.

checking for SPELL... no
configure: error: Package requirements ( enchant != 1.6.0 ) were not met:

Requested 'enchant != 1.6.0' but version of libenchant is 1.6.0

Enchant -v
International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Enchant 1.6.0)

Which implies to me I've the correct version Enchant installed. 

Any suggestions?


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