Release [was Re: [Patch] fix broken decryption of s/mime messages loaded from imap]

Hi Albrecht:

On 02/28/2019 02:39:04 PM Thu, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
However, it raises a more general question – shouldn't we prepare a new release anyway?  I think there have 
been many improvements since the last one last year.  I still have a new GUI for managing IMAP subscriptions 
in my pipeline, and I wanted to look into XOAUTH2 for gmail or yahoo (which is *not* safer than the methods 
Balsa supports now, opposed to what Google claims!), but those shouldn't be show-stoppers.  And the README 
and help files are really outdated, which seems to be more critical.


Agreed; quite enough improvements to justify a release!

I just pushed a few more cleanups to README; will try to get to the help files later. It would be good to 
give the translators a couple of weeks' notice before actually releasing, especially if the help files are 
changed substantially.


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