Autocrypt support for Balsa

Hi all,

I just noticed that I sent my last three messages today with “Autocrypt” [1] headers – I'm working on support 
for it in Balsa.  As it it /really/ untested yet, I hope it doesn't break anything.  If it does, please tell 

Hopefully, I can provide a first patch implementing the most simple version of “Autocrypt Level 1” soon.  I 
plan to include
* scanning the Autocrypt headers (but /not/ Autocrypt-Gossip) from incoming messages,
* maintaining the peer state,
* injecting Autocrypt headers (but /not/ Autocrypt-Gossip) in outgoing messages if requested and
* implement the recommendation for encryption as required by the standard.

I do *not* plan to add gossip (which is a little questionable IMHO) and key management which is better done 
by specialised applications (gpa, seahorse, etc.).  Of course, the feature can be disabled separately for 
every identity.

As the peer management is a little complex, I now use a sqlite3 database for that purpose.  It simplifies the 
code, but is a little against the “lightweight” philosophy of Balsa, as it adds an extra dependency.

And there are some other open questions, e.g. how spam could be detected (the standard says they should be 
ignored, which makes sense).  A solution might be defining a header indicating spam.  Then it would be nice 
to have an optional special “Junk” folder, and move new spam messages /automatically/ to it (like 

As only some basic stuff is usable in my test environment at the moment, I could easily modify my plan if you 
think it's dumb…  As always, any comment is really welcome!


[1] <>

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