Re: [Patch] IMAP goes GIO

Hi Jack:

Am 15.05.18 19:01 schrieb(en) Jack:
Also builds and runs OK for me, but so far only POP3, which I suppose hasn't changed.


Question: Right now, I have Thunderbird set up for IMAP access to all my email accounts, which I use either 
when I get a POP3 download error (increasingly rare) or to check the server's SPAM folder, since POP3 no 
longer downloads those files.  I'd be quite happy to use Balsa for that, but I don't want it to bother 
checking IMAP under normal circumstances.  Is my easiest solution to just create a separate user with a 
completely separate Balsa config?  I'll definitely try that, just to test the IMAP access (yahoo, gmail, and

The connection to the IMAP server will be established only when any of its folders is opened (actually, a 
separate connection for each folder, as required by the standard).  However, closing the folder will send a 
LOGOUT, but /not/ terminate the connection.  The connection is shut down only when Balsa is closed.  
Something which needs to be fixed.

Is there any sort of "profile" feature I could use?  Is there any point in making that a (low priority) wish 

Yes, that would be a nice feature!


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