Re: [RFC] Progress dialogue options

Le 2018-01-04 à 21:58, Peter Bloomfield a écrit :
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Hi Jack:

On 01/01/2018 02:30:23 PM Mon, Jack wrote:
Minor point (and digression) I seem to repeatedly get confused by the terminology.  Under the Balsa menu, there are both Settings and Preferences.  Settings has sub menus for Toolbars and Identities, while Preferences immediately brings up the Preferences dialog.  Would it simplify or add confusion to move the Preferences to be a third submenu item under Settings?

<URL:> has some suggestions about the application menu. Having a "Preferences" item seems to be recommended.

I like "Preferences" as the main options title. Essentially it is 'preferred settings'. Also Preferences translates well (often identical) in other European languages.

Perhaps it should be a submenu, with options "Toolbars", "Identities", and "Settings" (the last being the current preferences dialog).

How about "Other" (for 'other preferences') instead of "Settings" ?

Additional minor point  - After making any change on the Preferences dialog, such as to an incoming or outgoing mailbox server, the only button to choose is "Cancel" but this accepts the change that was just made - the actual opportunity to accept or cancel was part of the previous dialog.  I haven't tested enough to see when the "OK" button is actually enabled, but I do wonder why I have to hit "Cancel" even though I'm not cancelling anything.

Good point! If the action has already been accepted, you really need only to "Close" the dialog, not "Cancel" it. "Cancel" should be reserved for closing *without* acting on choices.

"OK" seems appropriate to me.  Also the same in many other languages.

But we don't need to clutter up the dialog with an additional "Close" button that mostly duplicates the "Cancel" action. Perhaps the items that can't be canceled don't belong on that window. I've always had a hard time with having POP3, IMAP, and SMTP servers on a "Preferences" window--they seem more like configuration matters than preferences. I see "Preferences" as more look-and-feel than basic operational configuration.

Perhaps something like "Server Configuration" should be a fourth item on the "Preferences" sub-menu, with all the server setup.

Good idea.  Or maybe just "Servers" ?




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