Re: possible new sort option

Le 2018-08-05 à 18:11, Peter Bloomfield a écrit :
On 08/05/2018 12:16:03 PM Sun, Jack via balsa-list wrote:
Just for info, I did get a response to my message to JWZ.  I'll forward it later, but I think he agrees that it should be reasonable to not try to thread messages which don't use the Response headers properly (or at all, actually).  Unfortunately, I think there are enough still used mail readers that do this (not using Response) as witnessed by many mailing list responses that lose threading in Pan, which I am assuming is threading without just using Subject:.

I still need to work through the JWZ algorithm in detail to see if there are other options, as he did point out this problem shows up in the fallback stuff when there are no References.

Personally, I'd like to have the 'View' menu just offer a check-box for 'Thread messages', instead of the current radio-buttons 'Flat', 'Simple', and 'JWZ'. The *only* reason for 'Simple', to my mind, is that it doesn't thread by subject, and I feel that that should be a preference item for threading; other than that, JWZ is just a vastly better algorithm. Jack has good reason for threading by subject, and I find it more often a nuisance, so that's personal, and should be a preference (possibly by folder--Ugh!). 'JWZ' is totally inscrutable to new users, and I feel it would be good to drop it from the UI.

Just my 2¢…


I agree that sorting by the date of the last item in the thread makes the most sense. That is at least an option (if not the default) for Mozilla thunderbird/seamonkey.

From how JWZ describes his approach for mbox format, what thunderbird/seamonkey does seems close, with small summary files and large mbox files with many messages together.
I don't see the point of presenting that as an option separate from mbox.

A problem with threading by subject is that often (at least on the lists I subscribe to) the subject is modified (at least a little), but the thread continues on essentially the same topic.

Although having a reply-to address in the header is definitely preferable for mailing lists, I don't see how that has much affect on threads, except that from time to time a reply doesn't go directly to the list, but appears in a subsequent message with a reply to the reply.

my 2¢


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