Unexpected scrolling

Hi All!

An irritating bug has been mentioned on the list, e.g. by Jack[0]

This last one is different from the issue that the first time I click anywhere in the body of a message 
(default layout, lower right pane) it seems to scroll the message down just enough to move the header area 
out of view.  This happens whether I am displaying a plain text or an html message.

Just hoping that it would go away was tempting, but hasn't solved the problem :-) I finally found it 
aggravating enough to track it down, and file a bug[1] against Balsa describing what I found. I'm testing a 
workaround, and will post a patch to the bug if it seems solid.

All contributions welcome!


[0] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/balsa-list/2015-April/msg00000.html
[1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795085

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