Re: Data copy error

Hi Andreas:

Am 24.07.16 18:21 schrieb(en) Andreas Schmidt:
On 05/27/2016 08:22:26 PM, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
If you want to try the bleeding edge developments, use the 'gtk3' (2.5.x) git branch.  Please note that the 
development for the 2.4 branch has more or less stopped.
I tried to install balsa from git, but as I never used git before, I'm sure there is some stupid mistake that 
prevents me from getting balsa compiled. I've been following the instructions on 
<>, but perhaps that page is a bit dated, too?

Yes, like the README and INSTALL files in the package - they all desperately need 2b updated... :-/

pc@lektoratex:~/System/git$ git clone

This is the old (balsa 2.4) branch.  If you want to have the "new" one (using gtk3, and all latest improvements), you 
need to clone the "gtk3" branch:

git clone -b gtk3

2) Then, after changing to that directory, I set the options I need:

pc@lektoratex:~/System/git/balsa$ ./ --with-gpgme=/usr/bin/gpgme-config --with-gpg-app=/usr/bin/gpg2 
--with-html-widget=webkit --with-nm=no --with-gtkspell --with-rubrica=yes --with-libnotify --with-canberra 
2>&1 | tee configure.log

Pretty early during processing, I get a message "Please add the files  codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 
lcmessage.m4  progtest.m4 from the /usr/share/aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory or directly to your aclocal.m4 
file". Which directory is the "autoconf macro directory"? I also browsed aclocal.m4, but i really don't see where to add 
these files there. Otherwise, configuring seems to work, there is no error (see attached file 
configure.log).pc@lektoratex:~/System/git/balsa$ make 2>&1 | tee make.log

I re-tried with a fresh checkout of the gtk3 branch, and on my system (Ubuntu 16.04), these errors are gone.  
It still complains about some other things, but they shouldn't be show-stoppers.

Please note that the --with-nm and --with-gtkspell options are gone or renamed, respectively (see below).

3) Finally, I try to compile everything:

pc@lektoratex:~/System/git/balsa$ make 2>&1 | tee make.log

This dies with errors after a while, notably in imap-server.c (see attached file make.log). I actually don't 
want IMAP-support, as I only use POP3 accounts. However, I have not found a configure option to disable it. 
Is that even possible?

I can reproduce the issue here with the gtk3 branch, as apparently a deprecated gnome api is used.  You can 
just disable gnome support for now, probably with the drawback that your password is stroed in a less secure 
way.  I also recommend to enable smime support, and to use syntax highlighting (via gtksourceview):

./configure --with-gpgme --with-gpg-app=/usr/bin/gpg2 --with-html-widget=webkit --with-spell-checker=gtkspell 
--with-rubrica=yes --with-libnotify --with-canberra --enable-smime --with-gtksourceview --without-gnome

Note that it is not possible to disable imap support; actually some of the networking code is shared by pop 
and imap.  Something which might change in the future...

Thank you so much for pointing to the deprecated api call - as I use balsa in xfce, I don't use the Gnome 
since ages!


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