Re: Checking mbox for new mail fails - new insights

Oh, thanks a lot Peter.
Now it works again.


On 03/06/2012 05:11:37 PM, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
Hi Helmut!

On 03/06/2012 05:20:53 AM Tue, Helmut Jarausch wrote:

as I reported earlier, the git-version (gtk3) of Balsa doesn't check my mbox file for new mail anymore - neither automatically nor if the 'Check' button is pressed.

Now I've found out, that the following procedure does this checking though
it's tedious.

If I press the right mouse button on 'Inbox' and select 'Properties' a new window appears. If I change the 'Subscribe for new mail check' button (i.e. set to unset or unset to set), the 'Update' button becomes undimmed. Now pressing this button does check for new mail in the Inbox and displays it.

One change in the gtk3 branch disabled mailbox checking when the network is disconnected (as reported by libnm-glib). Inadvertently, that also disabled checking local mailboxes! The branch now has a patch to disable checking only of POP3 and IMAP mailboxes. I hope this helps!

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