Re: Outgoing message truncated at dot wrapped on single line


Ladar Levison <ladar lavabit com>, Wed, 25 Jan 2012 20:37:19 -0600:
> I built the Lavabit mail platform, so if there is a bug in the SMTP 
> implementation its definitely my fault and that means I'll hang my head 
> in shame while I fix it.

Thank you, I am glad! (that you are going to fix it, that is)

I cannot really comment on the technical details you mentioned; maybe someone else on the list will. If, however, I can assist in any way, testing maybe, I will be happy to help.

> […] the tab hack […]

By the way, I was actually able to get used to doing that hack manually for every mail.

> And yes a user did email us about the blog posting. 

Wow, I did not nearly half expect that. I wonder on which way the word got passed from my not-so-popular blog to you.


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