Re: Centralized address books (e.g. Gmail)

Hi Ildar:

Am 01.12.11 10:51 schrieb(en) Ildar Mulyukov:
modern trends are to have one address book on PC, phone, tablet etc. E.g. Google gives its clients ability to synchronize the address book with smartphones (Android, Win, Symbian etc.), desktop apps (Thunderbird etc.) and more.

I believe they use Microsoft's ActiveSync protocol, but an other alternative might be SyncML [1].

One flaw of Balsa is the lack of access to remote address book services (don't count LDAP) e.g. Google. Preferably with caching for offline.

Hey, what's bad with LDAP? ;-)

I guess I can make it work with "External program" address book using googlecl program. When I do that, I'll publish it here.

Afaict, ActiveSync uses HTTP as transport for exchanging XML data (something like SOAP?).

The Kolab project [2] includes Z-Push [3] as ActiveSync as well as a "native" SyncML support as *server* components.  Maybe it would be interesting to look at the server side implementation to learn how the client should behave.  Offline caching and synchronisation is a difficult topic, though.

Or, maybe other oss projects support these protocols, and we could steal^H^H^H^H^H copy some code there?


[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

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