Re: New Entry in the address book - how to?

On 10/19/2010 01:12:10 PM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
I'm trying to add a new entry in my address book.

From the File menu I click on Adress Book, then <Run Editor>
Select  <Entry> -> New Entry
There I fill in most fields include the email address and click on
<Apply>. But it doesn't store the new entry.
What am I missing?
That's the GIT version (2010/10/19)

OH, this looks like a terrible bug to me! I see I can reproduce it. The root cause is that the email address is not saved. I see in my ~/.balsa/addressbook.ldif an partial entry added:

dn: cn=Helo Ehlo
cn: Helo Ehlo
givenname: Helo
sn: Ehlo

- there is no "mail:" line!

The email does not get "forgotten" if you do not press "Apply" directly. Just move the focus to some other entry fields in the "Add Entry" dialog window, and then press "Apply". Strange bug...


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