Re: Bug#464818: balsa: should depend on pinentry-*

Hi Albrecht & Alan,

Le 03.06.2008 19:55:02, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :
>Am 01.06.08 10:58 schrieb(en) Alan Baghumian:
>> I don't have pinentry-* installed but my balsa can decrypt encrypted 
>> mail messages w/o problem.
>It depends on whether you use gpg1 or gpg2.  For the latter, gpg-agent 
>and pinentry *must* be installed (gpg2 requirement).  If you still use 
>gpg1, balsa will use the internal dialogue to read the passphrase if 
> no gpg-agent (or seahorse-agent) is running.

I've a debian system. I've gpg2 (gnupg2 package) installed and no 
pinentry. There is no dependancy on pinentry for gnupg2.


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