Re: Since 7701, main menu not localized

Hi Jean-Luc!

On 09/16/2007 08:37:37 AM Sun, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:
Hi Peter
[ snip ]
But I have a problem with this line in the accelmap:
; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/ComposeWindow/Queue" "q")

I cannot remove the accel (recreated when I restart balsa, so the
message is queued as soon as I type a "q"...

Ouch--that was really dumb! I noticed that messages were getting queued as soon as I hit a 'q', but I assumed I'd accidentally changed the accelerator--I did that once, accidentally setting ' as the accelerator for something, and for days I couldn't understand why 's weren't getting into the message!

Fixed in svn--together with restoring the Sign and Encrypt buttons to the compose window's toolbar (thanks to Albrecht for pointing out that one).



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