Re: Balsa exit with code 01 [SVN version]

Le 13.04.2007 19:53:03, Peter Bloomfield a écrit :

On 04/12/2007 11:35:24 AM, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:
Le 11.04.2007 14:51:16, Peter Bloomfield a écrit :
Hi Jean-Luc!

I too get the occasional empty notification ("Balsa" and a light-bulb icon, but no message; at revision 7578). Some come when I open a signed message with an expired signature (yours!). But I haven't had that "code 01" exit.

I can reproduce the exit code 01 browsing my spam folder. This occurs only with some spams (tagged with spamassassin but I cannot tell which one is the culprit).
Please find it attached (only 4 or 5 mails).

That's very helpful!  I reproduce the "code 01" crash.

The issue seems to be broken headers, with 8-bit characters. I rebuilt Balsa against Jeff's latest GMime svn tree, and it survives and even displays the messages (more than one has broken headers).

Please how to checkut this svn ?
On Jeff's page instructions are for cvs checkout (which doesnt work)



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