Re: Sorting the message index panel for MicroSoft Exchange IMAP mailboxes.

În data de Sî, 22 iul 06 la 18:54, Pawel Salek a scris:
On 07/07/06 13:57:44, Mişu Moldovan wrote:

Can you please send some outputs generated by running balsa with -D
argument to me? Feel free to remove the private information from the

I will do so, as soon as I get back to work (in three weeks for now).


Same for these. These problems appear for 2.3.12, I suppose?


Yep, the bugs were present in the 2.3.{8,10,12} versions of Balsa that I have used for some months at work. I'll compile the .13 version before testing for them again.

I'm pretty sure these are not configuration problems as I've configured Balsa from scratch at least twice and I have a secondary account for my Courier IMAP server which works just fine in all the ways in which the Balsa/Exchange combination doesn't.



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