În data de Mi 28 iun 06 la 00:32, Pawel Salek a scris: [snip]
So, it was the lack of server-side sorting on Exchange side, and lack of client-side sort fallback for imap mailboxes on balsa side. I have just commited the patch that we discussed - with one more extension needed for handling of simultaneous filtering and sorting.
I am also affected by this problem when accessing Exchange through IMAP. I would add that:
* threads are not identified for the Exchange folders and subfolders* Balsa cannot properly detect new mails no matter what combinations of "persistent cache"/"use workarounds"/"use STATUS" I've tried. The best combination seems to be "persistent cache", "use workarounds" and no "STATUS", but it only sees new mails in opened sub-folders. No matter what I've tried it doesn't see new mails in the INBOX :(
* sometimes mails in the Drafts folder have a hidden "new message" property because Ctrl-N moves to them, although the GUI do not show them as new
* it sees an additional "." folder on the same level with INBOX, with no content, nothing seems to happen when I click on the "." folder which has an icon that looks like the icon for the GNOME folders
* it thinks that the root nodes of the Public Folders structure are supposed to contain mail (they show up with "0" in the left pane and I can click on them and they open like regular subfolders).
If I can be of any help into investigating this just let me know, I'm sick and tired of the Thunderbird beast.
Thanks, -- . /^)/_/(/ '
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