Re: Mails not signed when using secondary identity

Am 21.02.06 15:57 schrieb(en) Mişu Moldovan:
I don't think I've recently changed the settings for the identities or for signing mails. And although the settings seems fine, the sent mails are not signed anymore. I see the checked "Sign this message" (or whatever it is in English) in the Option menu of the compose window, but Seahorse doesn't ask about my pass-phrase and the mails leave unsigned.

That's very strange, and of course *must* not happen! Can you please try the following:

Run balsa in GPGME debug mode, i.e. start it from the shell using (I assume you use bash):

GPGME_DEBUG=5:gpgme.out /path/to/balsa

This will emit all gpgme io to that file... Then check in the prefs that information messages are dumped to the terminal.

Create /one/ signed message using the "broken" identity. Watch the output on the terminal. It should say (in your locale) something like "sending message with gpg mode 81". Now exit balsa.

Please send me (probably better off-list) the gpgme debug file, and tell me which value was reported along with the debug message above.


 Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht dress arcor de
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