Re: [PATCH] static const field reassigned in pop3.c

On 02/20/05 23:21:16, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
On 02/20/2005 09:28:55 PM, Kacper Wysocki wrote:
[ snip ]
I thought const fields indicated that the field wouldn't be reassinged? Or do you use 'const' here to mean that it's a pointer to a character constant?
I have the hardest time keeping that straight--yes, the latter: const  
char *service is a pointer to a string that must not be changed; the  
compiler won't allow assignment to *service (or service[n]).  But  
assignment to service is fine.
But if you use

typedef char *char_p;

then const char_p service declares a variable that you can't assign to! That is, you can initialize it, but never change it. There's some binding here that's hard to figure out... I don't know how you'd declare such a service without the typedef. It's as if the first version is (const char) *service, and the second is const (char *) service--but I believe these parenthesized declarations are not the correct syntax.
Heh, you learn something new every day ;-)
now for how to fix the minimum width of the send-msg window...


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