Re: New translatable string unclear

În data de Mi, 21 dec 05 la 15:44, Peter Bloomfield a scris:
On 12/21/2005 07:41:11 AM, Mişu Moldovan wrote:

În data de Mi, 21 dec 05 la 14:28, Peter Bloomfield a scris:
On 12/21/2005 03:43:27 AM, Mişu Moldovan wrote:


#: ../src/sendmsg-window.c:4500
#, c-format
msgid "Could not load %s header file %s: %s"

I guess it refers to face/x-face header files and the user would see something like: "Could not load X-Face header file myface.png: Permission denied". Can someone confirm or infirm this?

Confirmed.  Would putting the strings in quotes make it clearer?

msgid "Could not load \"%s\" header file \"%s\": %s"


Quotes would help a bit but I think that the first %s is not really necessary. I would rather replace the problematic string with the following two (related) strings:

msgid "Could not load X-Face header file %s: %s"
msgid "Could not load Face header file %s: %s"

But X-Face and Face are names of message headers, so should they be translated? If not, how can we mark them as such?

There are already some occurences of "Face" and "X-Face" in Balsa's translatable strings. See below:

dumol twinsun ~ $ grep -i face | grep msgid
msgid "_Face Path"
msgid "_X-Face Path"
msgid "Face header file %s is too long (%d bytes)."
msgid "Face header file %s contains binary data."
msgid "Error loading face: %s"
msgid "Bad X-Face data"
msgid "Error loading Face: %s"

As always, translators need to figure it out somehow. Developer comments to guide them would be most welcomed.


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