Re: Balsa Address Book

Am 2004.10.10 21:32 schrieb(en) Margo Skinner:
 > I am new to Linux.  I have been running Gnome with Fedora Core2 for a
 > couple of months.
 > I installed balsa 2.0.17 a couple of days ago and I like it a lot, but
 > I cannot get the address book entries from gnomecard into the address
 > book.
 > I have done searches, forum searches and Google
 > searches and also have gone through the help manual, but I wasn't able
 > to find the answer to my problem.
 > I went through the preferences dialog and set up a VCARD address book
 > as the default.  I have tried 'Pilot Address Book', GnomeCard Address
 > Book and just gnomecard for names with the file name always
 > /home/margo/.gnome/GnomeCard.grcd.

Does GnomeCard save into /home/margo/.gnome/GnomeCard.grcd ?
Does this file exist and does it contain your data?

Your ~/.gnome2/balsa would be helpful as well (plz cut off your password before sending ;)

btw (offtopic) How did you get your gmail-account? <-> I'm looking for an own one for ages...??

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