From address in compose window

Hi All!

I'm testing some code for changing the `From:' widget in the compose window from a text-entry box with address-book-completion (LibBalsaAddressEntry) to a drop-down list (GtkComboBox) of addresses from the user's identities. It's been discussed on this list, without opposition iirc.

Changing the `From:' address also changes the identity for the message; if we didn't do that, an old signature would be used with the new sender. That also changes other settings, like the defaults for signing and encrypting, which might take the user by surprise.

The drop-down-list could be expanded to two columns, with the address in the first and the identity name in the second. The change of identity would be clearer, but the display would be more cluttered. I'm not sure which would be better.

Comments or suggestions?


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