Re: balsa 2.1 and the filters

On 06/03/2004 04:22:21 PM, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:

As promised in an other mail, some problmes with 2.1..
(or at laest I don't know how to)

1 - filters:
I use filters to sort out my mail in various boxes (maildir). Even if the checkbox is enabled, the filters are not applied while receiving a mail in the Inbox. I've to do a Mailbox -> Filters -> Apply

Hmm...I have filters applied to incoming mail on both a local mbox (my Inbox) and a remote IMAP box (INBOX), and both work fine--perhaps there's something specific to maildir?

2 - hidden - deleted
I can tell the system to hide the deleted mail. But there is no option to store this option from one sesson to another one or to setup a global parameter for that.

The mechanism for storing the setting between sessions is in there--but it sounds as though it doesn't work for you. It seems to me that I've made changes that failed to `stick', too, but I can't reproduce it now (of course!). Could you try it again, and send me details on how to reproduce it?



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