Re: "Mark all read" patch

Here's the diff file for the ident patch as I've been using it.  I won't say  
it can't be improved further, but I haven't put any work into it since balsa  
1.4 development, except to make it apply to newer releases.  Note that it uses  
to From address to select an identity on continued messages, otherwise it will  
search the To list, then the Cc list to try to match an identity.  You could  
add the Bcc as well, if you really wanted to be thorough.  I've also make the  
sig replacement on ident selection a bit better - finds the signature in more  
cases than the old code.  (Don't ask for specific examples, it was a long time  
ago, and I got really annoyed with the old code, and hacked it 'til it worked  
better, but no longer remember any other details... 8-)

Here's a question though, is the identity selection in the mailbox preperties  
actually used, and if so, what should it's interaction with intelligent ident  
selection be?  Should replies from a mailbox with an identity selected always  
use that identity, or should that only serve as a default if one can't be  
determined by the From and Cc addresses?

One (non-trivial) improvement that could be made to identities is to allow  
configuration of a list of To addresses that trigger a specified identity to  
be used.  For example, if the To address in a compose window is "balsa-", always use "" as the From address.
Another, less difficult, one - allow users to either type the name of a file  
to pull the signature from, or allow them to type the signature directly in to  
the ident config window.  I might take a stab at that myself when I've got  
some time....

Is anyone working on bringing balsa-2.1 branch up to the same version of gpgme  
as the 2.0 branch?

- Steve Wall
diff -pu ../balsa/src/sendmsg-window.c ./src/sendmsg-window.c
--- ../balsa/src/sendmsg-window.c	2004-01-19 00:10:56.000000000 -0500
+++ ./src/sendmsg-window.c	2004-01-24 16:27:10.000000000 -0500
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-uri.h>
 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-handlers.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
+#include <glib.h>
 #include <locale.h>
@@ -194,6 +195,8 @@ static void wrap_body_cb(GtkWidget * wid
 static void reflow_selected_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaSendmsg * bsmsg);
 static gint insert_signature_cb(GtkWidget *, BalsaSendmsg *);
 static gint quote_messages_cb(GtkWidget *, BalsaSendmsg *);
+static void set_entry_to_subject(GtkEntry* entry, LibBalsaMessage * message,
+			SendType type, LibBalsaIdentity* ident);
 static GnomeUIInfo file_menu[] = {
@@ -912,9 +915,15 @@ prep_signature(LibBalsaIdentity* ident, 
     /* empty signature is a legal signature */
     if(sig == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (ident->sig_separator) {
-        sig_tmp = g_strconcat("-- \n", sig, NULL);
+    if (ident->sig_separator
+        && g_strncasecmp(sig, "--\n", 3)
+        && g_strncasecmp(sig, "-- \n", 4)) {
+        sig_tmp = g_strconcat("\n-- \n", sig, NULL);
+        g_free(sig);
+        sig = sig_tmp;
+    } else {
+        sig_tmp = g_strconcat("\n", sig, NULL);
         sig = sig_tmp;
@@ -940,12 +949,15 @@ update_bsmsg_identity(BalsaSendmsg* bsms
     gint siglen;
     gint i = 0;
+    gboolean found_sig = FALSE;
     gchar* old_sig;
     gchar* new_sig;
     gchar* message_text;
     gchar* compare_str;
     gchar** message_split;
     gchar* tmpstr=libbalsa_address_to_gchar(ident->address, 0);
+    const gchar* subject;
+    gint replen, fwdlen;
     LibBalsaIdentity* old_ident;
@@ -961,13 +973,45 @@ update_bsmsg_identity(BalsaSendmsg* bsms
     gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->bcc[1]), ident->bcc);
     /* change the subject to use the reply/forward strings */
+    subject = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->subject[1]));
+    /*
+     * If the subject begins with the old reply string
+     *    Then replace it with the new reply string.
+     * Else, if the subject begins with the old forward string
+     *    Then replace it with the new forward string.
+     * Else, if the old reply string was empty, and the message
+     *    is a reply, OR the old forward string was empty, and the
+     *    message is a forward
+     *    Then call set_entry_to_subject()
+     * Else assume the user hand edited the subject and does
+     *    not want it altered
+     */
+    old_ident = bsmsg->ident;
+    if (((replen = strlen(old_ident->reply_string)) > 0) &&
+	(strncmp(subject, old_ident->reply_string, replen) == 0)) {
+	tmpstr = g_strconcat(ident->reply_string, &(subject[replen]), NULL);
+	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->subject[1]), tmpstr);
+	g_free(tmpstr);
+    } else if (((fwdlen = strlen(old_ident->forward_string)) > 0) &&
+	       (strncmp(subject, old_ident->forward_string, fwdlen) == 0)) {
+	tmpstr = g_strconcat(ident->forward_string, &(subject[fwdlen]), NULL);
+	gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->subject[1]), tmpstr);
+	g_free(tmpstr);
+    } else if (((replen == 0) && (bsmsg->type == SEND_REPLY ||
+				  bsmsg->type == SEND_REPLY_ALL ||
+				  bsmsg->type == SEND_REPLY_GROUP)) ||
+	       ((fwdlen == 0) && (bsmsg->type == SEND_FORWARD_ATTACH ||
+				  bsmsg->type == SEND_FORWARD_INLINE))) {
+	set_entry_to_subject(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->subject[1]), bsmsg->orig_message,
+			     bsmsg->type, ident);
+    }
     /* -----------------------------------------------------------
      * remove/add the signature depending on the new settings, change
      * the signature if path changed */
     /* reconstruct the old signature to search with */
-    old_ident = bsmsg->ident;
     old_sig = read_signature(bsmsg);
     old_sig = prep_signature(old_ident, old_sig);
@@ -987,36 +1031,61 @@ update_bsmsg_identity(BalsaSendmsg* bsms
                                 0, new_sig);
     } else {
         /* split on sig separator */
-        message_split = g_strsplit(message_text, "-- \n", 0);
+        message_split = g_strsplit(message_text, "\n-- \n", 0);
         siglen = g_utf8_strlen(old_sig, -1);
-        while (message_split[i]) {
-            /* put sig separator back to search */
-            compare_str = g_strconcat("-- \n", message_split[i], NULL);
-            /* try to find occurance of old signature */
-            if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(old_sig, compare_str, siglen) == 0) {
-                repl_identity_signature(bsmsg, ident, old_ident,
-                                        &replace_offset, siglen, new_sig);
-            }
-            replace_offset += 
-                g_utf8_strlen(i ? compare_str : message_split[i], -1);
-            g_free(compare_str);
-            i++;
+	/* check the special case of starting a message with a sig */
+	compare_str = g_strconcat("\n", message_split[0], NULL);
+	if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(old_sig, compare_str, siglen) == 0) {
+	    g_free(compare_str);
+	    repl_identity_signature(bsmsg, ident, old_ident,
+				    &replace_offset, siglen - 1, new_sig);
+	    found_sig = TRUE;
+	} else {
+	    g_free(compare_str);
+	while (message_split[i]) {
+		/* put sig separator back to search */
+		compare_str = g_strconcat("\n-- \n", message_split[i], NULL);
+		/* try to find occurance of old signature */
+		if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(old_sig, compare_str, siglen) == 0) {
+		    repl_identity_signature(bsmsg, ident, old_ident,
+					    &replace_offset, siglen, new_sig);
+		    found_sig = TRUE;
+		}
+		replace_offset +=
+		    g_utf8_strlen(i ? compare_str : message_split[i], -1);
+		g_free(compare_str);
+		i++;
+	    }
         /* if no sig seperators found, do a slower brute force approach */
-        if (!message_split[0] || !message_split[1]) {
+        if (!found_sig) {
             compare_str = message_text;
             replace_offset = 0;
-            while (*compare_str) {
-                if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(old_sig, compare_str, siglen) == 0) {
-                    repl_identity_signature(bsmsg, ident, old_ident,
-                                            &replace_offset, siglen, new_sig);
-                }
-                replace_offset++;
-                compare_str = g_utf8_next_char(compare_str);
-            }
+	    /* check the special case of starting a message with a sig */
+	    tmpstr = g_strconcat("\n", message_text, NULL);
+	    if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(old_sig, tmpstr, siglen) == 0) {
+		g_free(tmpstr);
+		repl_identity_signature(bsmsg, ident, old_ident,
+					&replace_offset, siglen - 1, new_sig);
+	    } else {
+		g_free(tmpstr);
+		replace_offset++;
+		compare_str = g_utf8_next_char(compare_str);
+		while (*compare_str) {
+		    if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(old_sig, compare_str, siglen) == 0) {
+			repl_identity_signature(bsmsg, ident, old_ident,
+						&replace_offset, siglen, new_sig);
+		    }
+		    replace_offset++;
+		    compare_str = g_utf8_next_char(compare_str);
+		}
+	    }
@@ -2252,19 +2321,12 @@ fillBody(BalsaSendmsg * bsmsg, LibBalsaM
        || (forwd_any && bsmsg->ident->sig_whenforward)
        || (type == SEND_NORMAL && bsmsg->ident->sig_sending)) {
-	    if (bsmsg->ident->sig_separator
-		&& strncmp(signature, "--\n", 3)
-		&& strncmp(signature, "-- \n", 4)) {
-		gchar * tmp = g_strconcat("-- \n", signature, NULL);
-		g_free(signature);
-		signature = tmp;
-	    }
+	    signature = prep_signature(bsmsg->ident, signature);
 	    if (bsmsg->ident->sig_prepend && type != SEND_NORMAL) {
 	    	g_string_prepend(body, "\n\n");
 	    	g_string_prepend(body, signature);
 	    } else {
-                g_string_append_c(body, '\n');
 	    	g_string_append(body, signature);
 	    g_string_prepend_c(body, '\n');
@@ -2527,37 +2589,72 @@ set_identity_from_mailbox(BalsaSendmsg* 
 static gboolean
 guess_identity(BalsaSendmsg* bsmsg)
-    GList *alist;
     LibBalsaMessage *message = bsmsg->orig_message;
-    if( !message  || !message->headers || !message->headers->to_list ||
+    const gchar *address_string;
+    GList *ilist;
+    LibBalsaIdentity *ident;
+    gchar *tmp;
+    if( !message || !message->headers || !message->headers->to_list ||
         return FALSE; /* use default */
-    /*
-     * Loop through all the addresses in the message's To:
-     * field, and look for an identity that matches one of them.
-     */
-    for (alist = message->headers->to_list; alist; alist = g_list_next(alist)) {
-        LibBalsaAddress *addy;
-        gchar *address_string;
-        GList *ilist;
-        addy = alist->data;
-        if(!addy->address_list) /* empty To: field */
-            continue;
-        address_string = addy->address_list->data;
-        for (ilist = balsa_app.identities; ilist;
-             ilist = g_list_next(ilist)) {
-            LibBalsaIdentity* ident;
-            gchar *tmp;
-            ident = LIBBALSA_IDENTITY(ilist->data);
-            if ((tmp = ident->address->address_list->data)
-                && !g_ascii_strcasecmp(address_string, tmp)) {
-                bsmsg->ident = ident;
-                return TRUE;
+    if (bsmsg->type == SEND_CONTINUE) {
+	if (message->headers->from) {
+	    /*
+	    * Look for an identity that matches the From: address.
+	    */
+	    address_string = message->headers->from->address_list->data;
+	    for (ilist = balsa_app.identities; ilist;
+		 ilist = g_list_next(ilist)) {
+		ident = LIBBALSA_IDENTITY(ilist->data);
+		if ((tmp = ident->address->address_list->data)
+		    && !g_ascii_strcasecmp(address_string, tmp)) {
+		    bsmsg->ident = ident;
+		    return( TRUE );
+		}
-        }
+	}
+    } else if (bsmsg->type != SEND_NORMAL) {
+	/* bsmsg->type == SEND_REPLY || bsmsg->type == SEND_REPLY_ALL ||
+	*  bsmsg->type == SEND_REPLY_GROUP || bsmsg->type == SEND_FORWARD_ATTACH ||
+	*  bsmsg->type == SEND_FORWARD_INLINE */
+	LibBalsaAddress *addy;
+	GList *alist;
+	/*
+	* Loop through all the addresses in the message's To:
+	* field, and look for an identity that matches one of them.
+	*/
+	for (alist = message->headers->to_list; alist; alist = g_list_next(alist)) {
+	    addy = alist->data;
+	    address_string = addy->address_list->data;
+	    for (ilist = balsa_app.identities; ilist;
+		 ilist = g_list_next(ilist)) {
+		ident = LIBBALSA_IDENTITY(ilist->data);
+		if ((tmp = ident->address->address_list->data)
+		    && !g_ascii_strcasecmp(address_string, tmp)) {
+		    bsmsg->ident = ident;
+		    return TRUE;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	/* No match in the to_list, try the cc_list */
+	for (alist = message->headers->cc_list; alist; alist = g_list_next(alist)) {
+	    addy = alist->data;
+	    address_string = addy->address_list->data;
+	    for (ilist = balsa_app.identities; ilist;
+		 ilist = g_list_next(ilist)) {
+		ident = LIBBALSA_IDENTITY(ilist->data);
+		if ((tmp = ident->address->address_list->data)
+		    && !g_ascii_strcasecmp(address_string, tmp)) {
+		    bsmsg->ident = ident;
+		    return TRUE;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
     return FALSE;
@@ -2871,9 +2968,19 @@ sendmsg_window_new(GtkWidget * widget, L
     /* Subject: */
     set_entry_to_subject(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->subject[1]), message, type, bsmsg->ident);
-    if (type == SEND_CONTINUE)
+    if (type == SEND_CONTINUE) {
 	setup_headers_from_message(bsmsg, message);
+	/* Replace "From" and "Reply-To" with values from the
+	 * continued messages - they may have been hand edited. */
+	if (message->headers->from != NULL)
+	    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->from[1]),
+			       libbalsa_address_to_gchar(message->headers->from, 0));
+	if (message->headers->reply_to != NULL)
+	    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(bsmsg->reply_to[1]),
+			       libbalsa_address_to_gchar(message->headers->reply_to, 0));
+    }
     if (type == SEND_REPLY_ALL) {
 	tmp = libbalsa_make_string_from_list(message->headers->to_list);

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