Re: problem with dialogue boxes

On 2004.01.23 04:59, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> I routinely see a dialogue box with the following wording:
> <begin>
> Checking the signature of the message sent by Andrew Lau  
> <> with subject "Re: Stalled when gpg  
> is updating the thrusted database" returned:
> The signature could not be verified due to a missing key.
> Do you want to run gpg to import the public key with fingerprint  
> 9B24C07D2E8B68BD?
> <end>
> They are a pain, but I don't know what to do about them.  Clicking

That's what I used to get, too. You could update to 2.0.16-1 to taste  
the other flavor of pain. :-)



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