Re: mark as read

On 2004.11.30 17:08 Peter Bloomfield wrote:
>On 11/25/2004 09:48:08 AM, Willem Riede wrote:
>> On 11/25/2004 09:05:20 AM, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
>[ snip ]
>>> On a related topic: Mailbox => Select All actually selects  
>>> only the visible messages, because that's what  
>>> GtkTreeSelection offers.  The tooltip says "Select all  
>>> messages in current mailbox", and we could make it do that, if  
>>> we automatically expanded all rows before selecting-all.  The  
>>> question is, would that conflict with anyone's current usage?   
>>> That is, does anyone rely on the current behavior of selecting  
>>> only visible messages?
>> I would applaud that change. I don't rely on the current  
>> behavior, as a matter of fact I find it highly annoying.
>Expand-all-before-select-all committed to cvs.
>> As a related matter, if I select a range, say to delete a  
>> thread (or two) I believe there is the same problem, that non- 
>> expanded parts of the thread don't get selected and hence are
>> still around after the delete? Can we change that too?
>As for Mailbox => Select Thread(s), I'm still waiting for  
>comments on the trade-off between the need for the action and the  
>cost of another Mailbox menu item--any thoughts?

I'm a bit surprised at the lack of responses.  My vote is strongly in favor
of a "Select Threads" option.  I'm on several mailing lists that have deep
threads on a regular basis that do not interest me and having to open the
entire thread and select the messages to eliminate them is a PITA.


I added a functions and pair of hotkeys that expand/collapse and all
messages in the current thread to the version of Balsa I run (don't ask
which one).  I also made another mod to allow me to select flagged messages
so that I can mark a bunch of random messages using the toggle flagged message
function and select them all to perform some action on the entire group.  I
never did understand why the toggle flagged function was there but nothing
operated on flagged messages.

Lynn Kerby <mailto:lfk kerbit net>

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