Re: messages are invisible

On 09/27/2003, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> Someone please come to the rescue!  This is the second time I  
> have posted this request.  Reply directly, if you wish; or  
> reply to the list.
> Having tried most of the MUAs currently available for Linux, my  
> preference is for Balsa.  (I presently am using Eudora Pro on a  
> Windows machine---sigh!  Mail is the last step in my migration  
> from Windows to Linux.)

Glad to see that preference--now all that remains is to get Balsa  
to show your messages!

[ snip ]
> For messages in SENT box, DRAFTBOX, OUTBOX, and TRASH, only the  
> message headers are visible; message bodies are not displayed  
> (or perhaps they are invisible, because of a problem in the  
> colour scheme).  However, messages in IN box display properly.
> The message header appears on a white background; There is a  
> grey background in the region in which the message body should  
> appear; this is true for both preview screen and the separate  
> message window.  But for messages in the IN box, the ENTIRE  
> screen has a white background---there is no grey region.

Is the mis-display consistent and repeatable for those mailboxes?   
And do you see the problem immediately on startup?

I recall seeing some display issues like that, but I believe it  
was when coming back to a running Balsa after a screensaver had  
been showing.  The problem may have been related to a display  
locking/synchronization bug that has been fixed in cvs. The next  
release (2.0.15) will have the fix.


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